The review by the Bank for International Settlements entitled Global Liquidity: selected indicators adds to and clarifies the picture of global debt presented in the report Debt and (not much) deleveraging published by the consulting firm McKinsey.

Despite the chilling nature of the global debt and individual country debt figures cited in the report published by the well-known consulting firm McKinsey in February 2015, for the most part these figures are incomplete and underestimated. The situation is in fact far worse. This is clearly illustrated by the …

Статья В.Ю. Катасонова на англоязычном сайте At the end of 2014, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel published the most recent data outlining the position of foreign banks in Russia and Russian banks abroad, and shedding light on the possible losses for the parties involved (the banking …

Capital flows started to move across borders many centuries ago. For a long time neither exporters nor importers of capital created any restrictions on the way. During the days of Great Depression in the 1930s some states introduced different capital controls (residency-based measures or outright prohibitions that a nation’s government …